DON’T HOMESCHOOL! Without Doing This First

HELLO FRIENDS! If you’re new to my little corner of the web, I want to welcome you with virtual open arms 🙂 and tell you a little about myself. My name is Tracy (but my friends and family call me Ruddy ; thanks dad<3 ). I’m a mom of 3 (at the moment 😉 )Continue reading “DON’T HOMESCHOOL! Without Doing This First”

Cheers to 2021 and You!

This isn’t much of an article, but an appreciation post. The XoRuddy brand/blog was launched July 16, 2020. Upon launching, I had so many doubts (natural), fears (also, natural), but I always kept my goal front and centered. And that goal has been to reach different people all around the world to provide a spaceContinue reading “Cheers to 2021 and You!”

Story Time Favorites (For Our Littles)

Happy blog FRY-YAY!!! Story time has always been an important part of family bonding to us. We’ve always looked for books that teach self-love, kindness, and diversity. As a family that is filled with cultural diversity (Romanian and Jamaican, and more), we wanted to teach our littles the importance of embracing their unique qualities andContinue reading “Story Time Favorites (For Our Littles)”

My Top 5 Homeschooling Tips

Hello! I’m the founder and CEO of XORUDDY. If you’re new to my blog, THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY! I’m a mother of three, a Human Services professional, Women’s health advocate, and I hold a B.S. in Education and Human Services. Currently, I am working towards becoming a lactation consultant as well. When I firstContinue reading “My Top 5 Homeschooling Tips”

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