Special Delivery Pt 2

Part two ! What to pack for baby šŸ£ When it came to pack for baby, I packed very light! Most hospitals supply the essentials, which comes in handy and you can leave your baby essentials for when you get home! So for my special delivery, this is what I packed: Since I would nowContinue reading “Special Delivery Pt 2”

Special Delivery

When I had my first child, I had zero idea what to pack in my hospital bag. When I had my second, it became a little more clear, but when I had my third, it felt like second nature and I think my husband was kinda happy that he did not have to lug 3Continue reading “Special Delivery”

Melt Down City

Every parent can relate to the moment their sweet little toddler turned into the latest flavor of Sour Patch Kids. As a mama of 3 (7 and under), Iā€™ve encountered my fair share of melt downs. I remember when I had my first son. I took a brave, very BRAVE, trip alone to Walmart withContinue reading “Melt Down City”

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